Our mission
At SLICNZ our mission is to educate and raise awareness of New Zealand Sign Language through a series of fun and interactive games.
Our playing cards help you and your family or students learn the basics fast! Choose packs from the school edition, classic edition or Maori edition and learn 13 of the most popular signs with each pack.

Follow the journey of SLICNZ below

SLICNZ was established in 2020 and we could have never imagined what we set out to achieve over the next year and a half. Please join us in revisiting our journey so far

On March 3, SLICNZ's first ever card was drafted by Shervonne Grierson, and over the month of March our cards would transform from this first draft

To this final draft on March 23

To the finalised card on March 28. It was quite an exciting month for us, but it was just the first of many in our journey

On the 25th of May we launched our first ever website, where we sold over 1700 packs over its time running

June 8 - we had our first ever business meeting with an outside part - Local MP Simeon Brown. We were all really nervous but Simeon was awesome and really helped us know what we needed to do next as a business

After being available for preorder for a while, on June 25th we finally had our hands on our cards. Beautifully printed by ICG, we couldn't have been more happy with the quality of our first batch of 50 cards

After producing another bigger batch, we ran our first of many giveaways on the 7th of August. Since then we have given away 30 packs in giveaways. Make sure to follow us on our socials so you don't miss out

We had our first market day on the 8th of August, held at Pakuranga College. It was an awesome experience pitching our idea over and over to new customers and talking to them about what we've done in just a few months of running

On the first day of Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori 2020 (13 Sep) we launched our second pack containing both English and Te Reo translation for the signs. It proved to be a fan favourite pack and sold out rapidly

We had our first ever live interview with Chooice.co.nz. It was an awesome experience with Sarah and Monty being great people to work with - 15 Sep

Jacinda Arden, Prime Minister of New Zealand with our packs - Oct 12

The 20th of October marked the East Auckland regional finals where SLICNZ were awarded with the One to Watch award and...

Regional Champions!!! We had officially punched our ticket to nationals, but we had a lot of work to go

We started selling in our first retailer on November 6th. Rosa Gifts in Beachlands stocked our cards and it was awesome to see people willing to put our cards on their shelves

We had an awesome time in our first TV appearance on the AM show. Broadcasting to thousands of people nationally, we spoke for 5 minutes about who we were and what we did. We made 500 sales within 2 hours of appearing on the show! - 17 Nov

On the AM show we launched our school packs for preorder. It was very exciting announcing our third pack on national television

Following the arrival of our school packs, we launched our Maori Jumbo Edition pack for preorder the next day. 4 packs in the span of 6 months, things were speeding up for Nationals

At the YES National awards for 2020, we were award with the BP award for social excellence. It was excellent to be awarded for something we set out to do by making a change in society

After a long night of suspense and nerves, we were name the Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Scheme Company of the year for 2020. All our hard work had paid off and we were and still are shocked and elated to have won. Thank you so much YES for this great opportunity

After a little break to settle in to university, SLICNZ were back for New Zealand Sign Language week in 2021, launching our new alphabet pack with new artwork to match. - May 3

We were invited by Deaf Aotearoa to attend the annual NZSL Week launch event, held at the beehive in 2021. It was such a cool experience to be here and we learned a lot. Here we are pictured with the CEO of Deaf Aotearoa, Lachlan Keating

On June 30 SLICNZ attended a taster class for NZSL held by Lorraine McQuigg of Deaf Aotearoa. It was a great experience and we recommend everyone to attend a NZSL class in your lifetime